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~施設内マスク着用任意化について~ 24時間ジム 年中無休のフィットネス DAREFIT 横須賀中央店

執筆者の写真: darefitdarefit

平素よりDARE FITをご利用頂き誠にありがとうございます。




・ 発熱や咳など、体調が優れない際はジムのご利用をお控えください。

・ マシン利用後のアルコール消毒

・ 手指手洗い、消毒の徹底

・ 大声での会話の自粛



Thank you for your continued support of DARE FIT.

Today, we would like to inform you that the wearing of masks has become optional.

As of March 1, 2023, the wearing of masks in our club will become optional.

We would like to ask for your continued cooperation in the following matters when using our facilities.

・Please refrain from using the gym if you have a fever, cough, or other symptoms of illness.

・Alcohol disinfection after using the machines.

・Thorough hand washing and disinfection

・Refrain from loud conversations.

We would like to thank our members for their cooperation in following the mask rule over a long period of time.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation so that all members can continue to use our facilities comfortably.



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